Friday, July 21, 2006


Did you hear about one of the newest Reality shows on TV? Pet Plastic Surgery. This series, originating in Great Britain, features a family pet undergoing some form of plastic surgery.

In one episode a bunny gets a tummy tuck and in another a dog gets a face lift. (If it featured a bassett hound it would probably take two episodes.) Other procedures include liposuction and wrinkle removal but the most intriging to me is the testicular implant.

Apparently a dog without testicles is having a problem with low self esteem. Now my question is, "How do we know if a dog has low self-esteem?" Has Fido (or Phido) stopped attending family reunions? Is it acting like a cat--sleeping all day?

I think before a dog has testicular implants it should be required to undergo counseling. Maybe the problem isn't sexual dysfunction. Maybe the real problem is that he lives with people who think a dog can have low self esteem.

I will issue a disclaimer in the event I have offended the owner of a pet with low self esteem. I like pets. I grew up with rabbits, fish, dogs and now am the proud caretaker of two cats. If a pet has a medical problem I will take it to the vet, but cosmetic surgery?

What does it say about our society when we are willing to spend thousands of dollars to put a smile on a dog when a thousand children will die because they have no food.

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